Health Corner: Chronic Low Back Pain

Chronic low back pain is one of the leading health issues effecting Americans today. Despite the efforts of some of our best thinkers and millions of dollars, there is still no one test to determine the cause or one treatment if the cause is discovered. The source of this conundrum is the idea that pain is in itself the problem, when in fact pain is merely a symptom of some underlying dysfunction. The causes of the dysfunction leading to chronic low back pain, and virtually all other health conditions, come from our bodies inability to adapt the stresses we put on them. These stresses can be physical, chemical, or emotional in nature. The primary physical components in the low back are the lumbar spine itself, the lumbar discs, the pelvic joints and the musculature surrounding these structures. All can lead to similar presentations and serious conditions requiring invasive interventions if left untreated. The good news is that early intervention can save the patient years of debilitating pain and keep their hard-earned money in the bank. The second piece to the puzzle in the chemical component. In simple terms, chemical stress is placed on our bodies when we have a deficit of nutrients and excess of toxins. Our bodies respond to this stress with a low level of systemic inflammation that compounds any other inflamed site, such as a damaged lumbar disc. Again, there is good news here. We can decrease this inflammation by making just a few simple changes to our diet and daily activities. The final component is emotional stress. While the details of how emotional or mental stress leads to inflammation are exhaustively complex, the conclusion is not. A stressed mind leads to inflammation and a stressed body! This is why there is no one-size-fits-all remedy for chronic low back pain. Effective management requires a thorough understanding of all these components, and the path forward requires diligence from the physician AND the patient. That is why at Delmarva Chiropractic and Wellness Center we take time to get to know each patient and do a thorough examination. In doing so we are able to provide personalized treatment plans that focus on addressing the patient’s immediate needs then giving them the tools to sustain optimal function when they leave our office.

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Delmarva Chiropractic and Wellness Center

203 Shaw Ave. Harrington, DE 19952